The second time I've taken it off, I went to Target to buy acetone to get it off that way. I research different ways to take it off myself since the nail salon was being too rough on it. The acetone method took way too long but had minimum damage to my nails. It still hurt my nails a bit since I still need to use the nipper to take off the fake nail off the chemical that's keeping the fake nail on my real one.
Here's how my nails look like after I've taken it off.
As you can seem my nails were not at it's best and was still very short. The picture with my thumb, you can see the little crack it has on my nail. It was on all my nails but I applied Vaseline to smooth out the surface of the nail without buffing it.
Here comes the item that I am reviewing for my poor nails. This are a nail protein in Formula 2 for soft, peeling, bitten, weak, or thin nails. There is currently 4 different formulas, Formula 1 for healthy/flexible nails, Formula 2 for weak/thin nails, Formula 2 Plus for excessive problem nails, and Formula 3 for hard/brittle nails. A bottle with .25 oz cost $9.50 at Ulta and $7.53 on Amazon. There's also a .5 oz bottle that cost $17.50 on Ulta and $14.99 on Amazon. I brought the .25 oz and it's tiny and smaller than an Essie nail polish bottle if you're wondering about size.
Description :
Formula 2 consist of a unique blend of protein and conditioners to strengthen nails. The protein immediately acts to help bond nails that are splitting or peeling resulting in a long, strong and healthy nails.For initial treatment, apply one coat without color polish. Re-apply daily until nails improve and feel stronger. As nails improve, apply every other day. Remove weekly, or as needed.
What I've noticed so far :
My nails grow out pretty fast, but it's not strong enough to support itself.I believe I've been using this treatment for a week or two and haven't used color nail polish on it since I've taken off the acrylic nails. The nail area where it's weak from the acrylic nail are turning slightly yellow. I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not, but it's looking a lot better than before. I follow the direction and taken it off once a week and on the pad the protein comes off yellowish too. The nails are looking stronger without the protein on it, but because I know how weak it really is I continue to put the polish on it.
The top picture is the first time I've applied the protein polish on it and the bottom picture was yesterday so a week or two after. My nails don't look like it's growing any longer, but it is growing out because there's a rough texture on the damage parts. The parts that's grown out has to be clipped off because it's really weak and chips easily on the side. Judging by the speed the nails are growing out, it might take a month or two before the damage nail grows out.
I would give a quick update in a month to show you how the treatment is coming along.
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